Unique things to do in Minho

Unique things to do in Minho

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All activities near Minho

Drinks and tapas tasting, pub crawl
The meeting is in Cervantes Square next to the fountain. We'll stop in 3 bars , in each one , a drink and a tapa is offered. We'll also talk about Galician culture, gastronomy, the way of Saint James and discovered some hidden spot. 3 DRINKS AND TAPAS INCLUDED ! - Beer - Wine - Soft drinks : water, sparkling water, coke, fanta - beer - wine - liqueur - vermouth Good : -tortilla -soup with sea fruits - paella - mussels -cheekpiece - chorizo - Padron peppers Tipical galician event some wednesday LIVE MUSIC on Tuesday Wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday night Visit of the food market on monday, Tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday middle day .
Tour Nocturno - Secretos de Compostela
Al caer la noche, recorreremos rincones y monumentos históricos de Santiago de Compostela ¿Por qué en la noche? Desde mi punto de vista es cuando este patrimonio muestra su cara oculta y además la ambientación nocturna hace que se disfrute mucho más esta ruta. Habrá un regalo muy vinculado a la ciudad para cada asistente. Hablaremos de simbología, sexo, muerte, leyendas y tabúes como el pasado romano o la vetusta judería medieval. Finalizaremos el itinerario a los pies de la Catedral, en la plaza de Platerías, para descubrir un gran secreto vinculado con la razón de que Santiago de Compostela sea un punto de peregrinación y una de las Ciudades Santas Patrimonio de la Humanidad junto a Roma y Jerusalén. El guía llevará un colgante, mochila y paraguas VERDE con su carnet de guía oficial de Galicia.
River Trekking Gerês National Park
River Trekking is a water walking that takes us on an exploration of the natural beauty of the rivers in the Peneda-Gerês National Park. In this adventure we don't use any rope techniques, we just dive, jump and walk between ponds, rocks and paths, along the river Adrão. It's amazing experience in a middle of the nature. The Adrão River is a tributary of the Lima River (one of the biggest one in Portugal), marked by its wild essence and by its extremely green banks in all seasons of the year. These banks, which in ancient times were the terraces* that provided much of the sustenance of the people of Soajeiro*. Socalcos* - A portion of more or less flat land on a slope supported by a wall. Soajeiro* - Inhabitant of the village of Soajo. Get ready to disconnect from the world and enjoy an unparalleled experience, with family or friends.
River Trekking and Typical Food
We will start in the village of Soajo around 10am, where we will start the River Trekking activity, where we will walk for several hours through the incredible landscapes and natural lagoons of an almost wild river. In the middle of the way we will stop for a snack, with products from the region. We follow the activity, walking, jumping and swimming through the beautiful lagoons of this river. At the end of the activity we will have a lunch with typical food, made by local people with local products. For those who like meat, we will have the meat of the region's beef, Cachena cow. We also have the option of cod and vegetarian options. Everything will be included in the lunch. After that, we'll go for a small walk in the village.
Gourmet Hands on Cooking Class in Galicia with the Chef
Meet your friendly chef in a beautiful Quinta overlooking the sea. Enjoy a glass of wine paired with local cheese before starting the workshop. Enter your chef kitchen for an amazing hands-on cooking class and cookery workshop where you will be able to savor the dishes prepared. Learn the secrets of local seafood recipes that the chef has inherited by her grandmother ! Select seasonal ingredients to prepare and cook an authentic Galician meal. Learn the history and curiosities of of the food produce. Prepare a starter, main dish and a dessert to enjoy at the end of your class. Enjoy a glass of Albariño wine while you prepare your delicious recipes. Then end your class with a lovely lunch and enjoy the fruits of your hard work, served with plenty of wine of course. Live an authentic experience in Galicia !
Drawing sketches by Santiago
I was born in Santiago de Compostela, it is a World Heritage city and there are many wonderful places to draw. We will make a very nice tour for two and a half hours , it will allow us to make sketches and know the History of emblematic places. No sketching experience necessary! Other things to note In case of a very sunny day it is advisable to bring a cap or hat so that the sun does not bother when we are drawing
Guided tour and tasting fine Albariño at the winery
Visit an Historic Palace and Winery in the hearth of Galicia. Relax by taking a beautiful walk through our vineyard, discovering the origins of viticulture in the Rias Baixas, the history of the albariño and the relevance of our winery as a pioneer in the elaboration of our unique white wines. Here the grapes grow caressed by the sea breezes and this is where the elegant and expressive white wines under the our brand are made. Taste delicious wine paired with local snacks and live an unforgettable experience in Spain !
Discover Compostela with a local
During the tour, which takes around 2 hours, we will visit the historical center of Compostela. We will leave the Praza da Quintana, we will visit the Abastos market, we will walk through the most emblematic streets, such as Rúa do Vilar and Rúa do Franco, we also will visit Alameda Park and we will finish the route walking through Praza de Praterías and the Obradoiro. Other things to note Although it is said that here in Santiago rain is art, the rain also wets. If it rains, bring an umbrella and clothing accordingly. If it is sunny, great, but I recommend sunscreen because we will be 2 hours in exterior.
River Trekking Aquático em Lagoas e Cascatas Selvagens
Após chegada ao ponto de inicio que se situa junto as lagoas de Grade 4970-190, iniciaremos o briefing de segurança e de seguida serão distribuídos os equipamentos de mergulho. A atividade River Trekking é uma atividade fácil no entanto algo perigosa na ausência de guia, através de natação, caminhada e escalada livre por forma a ultrapassar obstáculos naturais, os hóspedes terão oportunidade de nadar em lagoas secretas, pular e mergulhar em águas cristalinas, escalar rochas e visitar locais virgens. Para os menos aventureiros, existe sempre uma alternativa mais fácil. Para além do guia o seguro está incluído nesta atividade. No final regressaremos até ao ponto de partida. A hora de inicio pode ser alterada caso você prefira começar mais tarde.
Tour de los Templarios
Traiciones, secretos, leyendas, misterios... Descubre todos los enigmas que rodean a la Orden del Temple con este tour de los templarios por Santiago de Compostela. Haremos en primer lugar una presentación con regalo sorpresa. Continuaremos el paseo observando el exterior de la Capilla de la Corticela, donde admirando su fachada descubriremos simbología templaria. Más tarde, nos dirigiremos a la Plaza de Cervantes para ver a continuación el exterior de otro templo con vínculos templarios: la iglesia de Santa María do Camiño. Como broche final a este recorrido, visitaremos el exterior e interior de la Colegiata de Santa María la Mayor y Real de Sar. Una vez allí, repasaremos su historia como antigua sede templaria al tiempo que nos maravillaremos con su arquitectura y obras de arte. Posteriormente, nos trasladaremos en transporte público hasta el centro urbano de Santiago de Compostela para así finalizar el servicio.
Tour Tierra de Leyendas y Meigas
En este tour de 2 horas podrás descubrir Santiago de Compostela de una forma divertida y diferente, mágica y misteriosa. Conoce quién es quién en las fachadas de la catedral y descubre sus calles menos conocidas, a través de las leyendas y las meigas, Todo perfectamente organizado y estructurado para entender mejor las explicaciones, de una forma gráfica y didáctica, a través de las imágenes en una Tablet y basándonos en fuentes históricas. Podrás descubrir un montón de leyendas y misteriosos seres, como los trasnos, o la Santa Compaña, ese espeluznante grupo de muertos que se aparecen durante la noche… Te hablaremos también del conjuro de la Queimada, y de otros rituales para librarte de los meigallos, de la Orden del Temple y de su relación con el Camino de Santiago y el juego de la oca…. Todo esto, en el marco incomparable de la mágica noche compostelana. ¡Pruébalo! ¡Te encantará este tour secreto, mágico y misterioso! Porque recuerda, aunque no creas en las meigas… “haberlas haylas”.
Visit to the oldest winery in Galicia
Visita bodega Casa Moreiras y su palomar, cata de vinos. La propuesta consiste en visita a la bodega familiar mas antigua de Galicia, cuenta con inscripción original que data de 1692, semienterrada. Visitaremos también el palomar típico de la zona habilitado como sala de catas. Luego degustaran 2 vinos, Mencía y Godello autóctonos de la Ribeira Sacra, explicaremos el proceso de elaboración de los vinos y le detallaremos la peculiaridad de los viñedos y el cultivo de la vid en bancales únicos y exclusivos de esta zona.
Tour Secretos de Compostela
Si quieres conocer todos los secretos y leyendas de Santiago, éste es tu tour. Durante 2 horas, descubre los sitios menos conocidos de Santiago, aquellos que ni siquiera conocen los propios compostelanos. Partiendo de la Plaza de Platerías, haremos un recorrido a pie, por las principales plazas del centro histórico viendo los edificios más destacados, para conocer de una forma amena y divertida los secretos y leyendas que esconden las piedras de Santiago. Podrás también pasear por la plaza de abastos, zonas de tapeo y la Alameda… lugares que te harán conocer un poco más y disfrutar de esta ciudad tan mágica, única y especial. ¡Pruébalo! ¡Te encantará!
Hiking & Food Tour in Soajo Village
Our walk starts in the centre of Soajo. We will set off in the direction of the medieval footpaths which were used for the transhumance of flocks in ancient times and to connect some shrines during religious rituals. We will be confronted with a wonderful granite scenario, granite, which was the main raw material in the construction of mills, granaries, irrigation channels and walls. All this heritage will be on our trail. We will arrive at the highest part of the trail, where we have a very beautiful panoramic view and we will pay a visit to a sheep herder. We start descending towards the wildest part of our route, towards Soajo, where a typical lunch will be waiting for us in the family tavern. After eating and relaxing I will show you some points of interest within the village of Soajo and we will dive into a natural lagoon.
Shepherds' Trail, Gerês National Park
From the centre of the village of Soajo to the highest peaks of the mountain, there is a path that in ancient times, before the rural exodus, was frequented daily by dozens of people. It could be said that it was an excellent means of communication between the precarious comfort of their homes and the mountain shelters where they, the shepherds, spent great days of their lives
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