Unique things to do in Bahia

Unique things to do in Bahia

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All activities near Bahia

Afro-Brazilian Salvador in Five hours -All included
This Experience Will Immerse You in the Afro-Brazilian Culture and history that is rooted in the city of Salvador. All this through the Music, Dance, Arts, Food, Popular Culture and Afro-Brazilian Religion Candomblé. We will explore the historic downtown , visiting the Popular Market where you will taste spices and alcoholic beverage, Museums, monuments, important institutions by the Pelourinho's colorful streets, while I share relevant facts and curious in the afro culture and history. During this exp We stop to eat the traditional street-food: the afro-religious Acarajé. This tour is for everybody, but specially for you that wanna Feel proud and learn more about the africans and their descendants who built this city and all this heritage called Afro Brazilian Culture! Much more than a tour, we will have a memorable experience! Join Me, and I'm Sure You'll fall in love by The largest Afro City Outside Africa. *20% of the value of this service is dedicated for the Airbnb as a service fee. * Street food, soft drink and Museums are included on the value of this experience. *Tip is not included
Explore the Historic District of Salvador
A very nice architecture view about the portuguese colonial city. You will learn the history of the formation of the original nucleus of the city of Salvador from the vision of an architect, urban planner and a professional tour guide. You will get in touch with details of the Portuguese colonial urban design and baroque architecture present in the mansions, churches and public buildings. Our starting point will be the Lacerda Elevator and some of the main public buildings of the Upper City. There you will know a little of the history of the city's foundation and its geographic and urban disposition in Cidade Alta (Upper City) and Cidade Baixa (Lower City). From there we will depart towards the Pelourinho where more information about the Portuguese colonial urbanism and the baroque architecture will be presented. From Terreiro de Jesus Square, we will leave to explore San Francisco's Church, one of the main baroque monuments of Brazil, where we will enter for a quick visit. Then we will continue along other streets of Pelourinho always with information about the architectural characteristics of the Baroque city to the Largo do Pelô, where new information regarding the society of the time will be presented. At this point we will finish our walking. Other things to note: Access to the San Francisco's Church, which costs BRL$ 10 per person, is not included.
Fazendo a própria Aliança
Imagine passar uma tarde a criar e confeccionar as suas próprias alianças, acompanhando desde a fundição do ouro até o momento da solda? Um dia mágico em que terá a oportunidade de ver de perto a transformação da matéria, uma experiência alquímica cheia de significado. Cada etapa de trabalho é cuidadosamente supervisionada por um ourives profissional. O preço para duas pessoas é referente a experiência e duas alianças de prata
Visita a ateliê de biojoias
Nos encontraremos na minha casa, que é onde fica meu ateliê e meu plantio de sementes. Após nos apresentarmos, vou te contar a minha história com o artesanato sustentável. Em seguida, vou te apresentar o plantio das minhas sementes, que ficam no meu quintal. Ali, tenho sementes como açaí e conta do milagre, muito usadas para pulseiras e colares, por exemplo. Em seguida, vou te mostrar meu ateliê e como crio e monto as biojóias. Biojóias são artesanatos decorativos e utilitários femininos feitos de materiais reutilizáveis. Todas as máquinas que você verá no ateliê foram desenvolvidas por mim, e vou te explicar como elas funcionam. Depois, vamos conhecer a pequena loja que montei em minha casa, onde exponho com muito orgulho a minha arte. Ao final, te convido para um café e lanche caseiro preparado com carinho pela minha família para nossos visitantes. É possível fazer a experiência mesmo com chuva.
Make your own a jewelery with a Goldsmith
You will receive an exclusive mentoring to introduce jewelery Contents: + Introduction: a brief history of jewelry and important concepts for jewelery; + Metals: alloys, welds, rolling and drawing + Jewelry design: models and settings + Practice of creating a jewel: molding, welding, finishing and polishing Time required for practice: 08 hours. Other things to note It is worth staying in Igatu on the day of the course to avoid travel and enjoy the chance to visit this charming village
The Historic Center of Salvador
Se você tem interesse em conhecer trajetos não tão turístico no Centro Histórico, saiba que encontrou a experiência perfeita! Iniciaremos o nosso tour realizando uma breve apresentação pessoal e em seguida iremos realizar uma caminhada leve pelos principais pontos turísticos do centro histórico sendo: o Elevador Lacerda, Mercado modelo, bairro do Comércio, igrejas (caso deseje) e o que mais que você desejar conhecer durante o passeio. Para que o nosso passeio seja especial e acolhedor, conheceremos o Centro com um toque de história, bom humor e dinamismo passando pelas ruas charmosas da cidade alta e baixa, vivenciando a realidade da cidade. O meu objetivo principal é proporcionar a visão de um morador local, mas que se sente um turista ao mesmo tempo. Te proporcionarei a experiência mais intimista possível e visitaremos os espaços pagos (igrejas/museus) que te desperte o interesse ao conhecer a história. Todo o passeio é feito a pé e tem duração de 2h30m. *Não sou Guia de turismo* Em caso de dúvidas ou alterações personalizadas, me escreva uma mensagem! e não esquece de verificar as avaliações. Seja bem-vindo/a/e à Salvador :)
Dinner in an agroforest with beautiful sunset and live music
contemporary german food @valedasninfas, km.4 Itacaré, Bahia Our dinner experience will take you straight to a late afternoon in the middle of an agroforest! Vale das Ninfas Permacultura welcomes you at home and offers a menu that aims to explore a new wave of flavors in vegan and vegetarian cuisine. The menu includes Vorspeise, Hauptgericht and Nachtisch - obviously accompanied by wine or Radler, you name it! The experience starts with an incredible view of the sunset at 5:30 pm and ends at 7:30 pm - perfect time to recharge your batteries and get ready for that party or take a walk downtown at night. How about coming with the family and eating good and different food? Or maybe bring that date to a romantic night in the middle of a forest? :) INCLUDED IN: Full menu with starter, main course and dessert (vegan or vegetarian, notify in advance) 1 bottle of wine (per 2 people) or 1l of Radler (per person) or 1l Apfelschorle (per 2 people) Classical music pocket show (piano).
Capoeira Class -
We will meet outside at a historic landmark, and I will introduce guests to the Brazilian combination dance and martial art of Capoeira. These lessons are for any level and any age. As we stretch, I will explain the style and beauty of capoeira, followed by the history and philosophy of this beautiful martial art while we warm up. Basic foundational moves and their symbolism will build toward a final activity, tailored to the group's ability and dynamic. We will cool down by drinking from coconuts and having a conversation answering the guests' questions. Outras observações Classes can be in English or in Portuguese or both, as guests please.
Capoeira Class in Barra
We will experience the Capoeira de Angola through its history, musicality and body movements that will allow a unique learning of this noble Brazilian art that is immaterial heritage of Humanity! Feel free to choose the best time for our experience.
Feira Local e Aula de Culinária Baiana
Amazing opportunity to visit the largest Local Market, and make traditional Afro Brasilian Food! I will show you the most incredible places with the best food suppliers and craft products in the region. The Local Market is large in scope and deep in history. It’s corridors form a large maze, where you will take a guided deep dive, without filters, directly into the soul of Bahia culture. After that we will have a cooking class of Moqueca Baiana - Fish/Shrimp/Vegan. I will be delighted to welcome you to my house to teach you the steps to my beloved family recipe, to make the Best Moqueca Baiana. You will also learn how to prepare pimenta, arroz, farofa (with palm oil) and pirão (with palm oil) - side dishes. Moqueca is the most famous and traditional dish in Bahia, rich in flavors and made with local ingredients. It is the dish that best represents Afro-Brazilian cuisine. The recipe is a connecting cultural agent and practically its own tourist attraction in Salvador! To cool off, I will also teach you how to make the most popular drink in Brasil, the Caipirinha! We also offer seasonal fruit juice and water. Be prepared to take videos in the market, eat amazing food, laugh over drinks, and create memories that last a lifetime. Vamos!
Ecoday at the mangrove with kayaks and a nice lunch afterwards
we welcome you here at the arrival at Cacha Pregos in Itaparica Island. You can use the Lanchinha from Salvador or the ferryboat. We will use the open kayaks to travel around the mangrove which is right here behind our house...10min away. The sea is always calm here in the bay. We will paddle smoothly through the mangroves and feel how magic Nature balance is...the quiet sounds of the mangrove life...and after an hour of delicious ride we come back home and enjoy a nice lunch of spaguetti al vongole....the same vongole we caught at the mangrove two days ago. The vongole has to filter itself in ocean water for two days. Lunch finished you have the option of staying for the sunset right in front of our house or leave before that. Magic time well spent. Other things to note spend a day with us and we will show you how simple and nice it is to be in balance with Nature...to live simply and enjoy the best of life
Pub crawl around the city
My name is Lelis and I have already planned for you the best bar tour in the city! We will leave bar with the best views of this beach town. You'll pass 4 bars frequented by locals with a fun and friendly guide.
Cavalgada ecológica em Trancoso
Vou te receber no meu sítio, que fica em local muito bonito há 10 minutos do centro de Trancoso. Em seguida, vou te apresentar meus cavalos e sairemos para uma cavalgada (que também gosto de chamar de passeio ecológico) durante aproximadamente 2 horas, passando por lindas paisagens de florestas e trilhas, com vista para o Vale dos Búfalos. Enquanto vamos conversando sobre a experiência, eu vou preparando os cavalos e orientando sobre a cavalgada e os equipamentos. Passo orientações detalhadas e fazemos uma conversa sobre segurança antes de partirmos. Durante o passeio, vou monitorando a condução dos cavalos e também apresentando a fauna e a flora dessa região do sul da Bahia. Nós retornaremos ao meu sítio, onde oferecei um café (lanche rural), com pratos típicos da região, como bolo de milho e suco de jenipapo ou melancia (cardápio pode variar de acordo com frutas disponíveis na estação). Outras observações Sempre bom se previnir, logo, os trajes são muito importantes. Recomendamos usar sempre calça comprida, bota, blusa com proteção e chapéu ou boné, pois em alguns momentos ficaremos expostos ao sol.
Photo tour with a tourism expert in Diamantina's downtown.
Come with me to record your time in Diamantina with my 70-200mm lens! Just as I did with my friends Iasmine and Mirely in these photos, we will go for a spin at key points of the Colonial Center where you will be photographed in a beautiful contrast of alleys, churches and mansions from our UNESCO recognized architectural set! I will make available by Google Drive multiples photographic records as souvenirs of Diamantina!
Walk to Praia do Forte and Guarajuba
Dear travelers, To maintain an affordable value for you to get to know our islands, we offer this collective tour run by a partner company, but we give all the prior support to all of our customers. The company has bilingual staff, but the tour is genuinely Brazilian, so the predominant language is Portuguese. Use this app to answer all your questions. Script: First stop at Praia de *Guarajuba* - A beach with Bandeira Azul that reserves the best natural pools, a well-structured bathhouse with calm and crystal-clear waters that make up a fantastic landscape. Beautiful cuddly sand to walk through coral corals and a multitude of coconut trees. Second stop at Praia do Forte - known as Brazilian Polynesia, you will have the opportunity to get to know the TAMAR Project, which is internationally recognized as one of the most successful marine conservation experiences. You will visit the most charming village with a rustic and cozy atmosphere. START: 6:00hrs RETURN: 3:30pm INCLUDED: - Scuna Tour; - Bilingual guide; NOT INCLUDED: - Admission of the TAMAR PROJECT with values of R$38.00 adult, R$19.00 half entrance for students, and children up to 6 years old do not pay(Note: Open only from WEDNESDAY to SUNDAY, from 11:00 to 18:00). - Alimentação; - Beverages.
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  3. Bahia