Unique things to do in Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Unique things to do in Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Book unforgettable activities hosted by locals on Airbnb.

Top-rated activities

NO DIET CLUB - Let's get thick in Bordeaux !
All food is included :) Hygienic measures : group of 10 people maximum. Hydroalcoholic gel before and after each tasting ! Food is life but safety first After Paris and Nice, we really had to start a food tour in Bordeaux ! The best city for food (and wine) lovers in our country. We walked every single street of center Bordeaux with our local guides to offer you a fine selection of what we do best in this beautiful region of south west. Local specialities of course but not only ! Sexy platter of charcuterie and cheese, best cannelés in town and we had to try them all to make a choice (our job is so hard haha), fresh oyster, our best burger, amazing foccacia and some sweet surprises too ! Gourmet street food is life. (Tastings may vary with seasonal products - quality & quantity) (VEGETARIANS ARE WELCOME) ▶ What this tour is about ✔ - Many tastings to share - Calories - A nice walk in Bordeaux - What locals eat - Lots of fun - Funny/bad jokes - Pictures and souvenirs - Smiles - A list of serious recommendations in Bordeaux - New friends from all around the world
Take off your clothes and be drawn
Being drawn is a unique and rich experience. naked, draped or even dressed, whatever you want! (of course, I'll give you the drawing, so you'll have an artwork of yourself) Before the session, we will discuss a little so that we can find together a pose that suits you. Classic or less conventional, etc. The pose lasts only 2 or 3 times 20 minutes. No experience is required and I will guide you to find a pose (in general, no one has a precise idea of ​​what he wants to do :) You can come alone or accompanied, it will be a pleasure to welcome you. Note that for two-person poses, it will take 20 to 30 minutes more (discount applies for 2 persons). The size of the drawing is usually 60x40cm - I draw in pencil on white paper or toned paper but other options are possible if you wish. I provide a tube for transport, I can also ship the drawing to your place if you want (shipping costs apply, depending on destination). Other things to note The most important thing to be drawn is to be comfortable with the idea. It is also important to appreciate the work of the artist who will draw you. the rest is done alone!
Discover Bordeaux vineyard : special wine tasting with two cellar men brothers
Come and discover the specificities and unique characteristics of Bordeaux wines through our selection of 3 typical wines of the left bank of Garonne river, right bank and the exceptional terroirs of Bordeaux. During this experience, your hosts, Pierre and Geoffroy, cellar men, but also brothers, will introduce you to the main characteristics of Bordeaux vineyard in a fun and accessible way. We will tell you the history of the vineyard since the arrival of the Romans until today. We introduce you to the art of tasting with simple words and explanations. We aim at showing how accessible wine tasting can be when you get told good tips. During this tasting you can also eat our selection of cheese and ham from beautiful Basque country. The history of Bordeaux wine and the art of tasting will have no more secret to you.
Surf initiation in Biarritz
The discovery formula lasts 2 hours for 1 hour 30 minutes on the beach and in the water wetsuits equipment and boards Warming up on the sand Safety instructions explanations at the place of practice Technical explanation of the activity Practice in the water with the instructor in the water !!! 6 people max for an instructor!
Exploring Bordeaux by Bicycle, a Three-Hour Immersive Tour
"Embark on a captivating journey through historic Bordeaux as we explore its most beautiful monuments and neighborhoods. We'll start at Jardin Public, France's first public garden designed in 1746. Explore the last Roman remains at Palais Gallien, marvel at Place des Grands Hommes, and admire the Gothic beauty of St. Andre Cathedral. Discover Bordeaux's legal hub at Palais de Justice, encounter the rare secular bell, Grosse Cloche de Bordeaux, and explore the UNESCO-listed quarter of La Fleche Saint-Michel. Stroll the pedestrian haven of Pont de Pierre, experience Darwin in the eco-district of Bastide-Niel, and marvel at Pont Jacques Chaban Delmas, Europe's tallest lift bridge. Immerse yourself in a cultural journey at La Cite du Vin, explore the 18th-century quays of Quai des Marques, and take in the charm of Quai des Chartrons and historic Rue Notre Dame. This unique 12 km bike tour caters to all—families, couples, friends, and colleagues. Whether you're a local or a tourist, join me for a safe and eco-friendly adventure. Discover the secrets of ancient monuments, hidden street art, delightful food spots, and lush green spaces. Uncover Bordeaux's etiquette and leave with unforgettable memories and a taste of its unique flavors. Join me for a journey through classic and modern history, where each pedal brings you closer to the heart of this enchanting city!"

All activities near Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Saint-Emilion Wine Tour
Go off to explore the lovely medieval village of Saint-Emilion, listed as World Heritage Site by Unesco, and visit two wineries (a top winery classified Grand Cru Classé and a family-run estate Grand Cru) during a 5 hours guided tour with me, a fun & knowledgeable local guide speaking English. Your tour includes 2 wineries visit (introduction about the history of the estate and technical informations about how to make the wine), 5 wines tasting minimum in total and a French aperitif (cheese, cured meat & bread at the 1° or 2nd winery) OR sweet specialities from Bordeaux macaroons from Saint-Emilion & cannelés depending on the day of the visit. I will drive through the vineyard of Saint-Emilion in my van and we will visit together the famous medieval village dating from the Middle Age. The wine tours are in English & French. I offer 2 wines tours : morning (8.30am-1.15pm) & afternoon (1.30pm-6.30pm) The meeting point is in Bordeaux at : 1 place de stalingrad, in front of LCL Bank (with a beautiful view of the bridge :)) Make sure to have breakfast or lunch before ! (only small portions of cheese, cured meat, chocolate & crackers will be served at the first or second winery OR Macaroons & cannelés in the village of saint-emilion).
Truffière la Garrigue tour
Truffière La Garrigue à Cubjac en Dordogne, Périgord Blanc . Visite guidée en français. Jean-Paul, Cyril et Marie vous accueilleront dans une truffière exceptionnelle. Vous découvrirez les secrets de la Truffe du Périgord, la Tuber Mélanosporum. Explications sur le travail du sol et la mycorhization, les différentes variétés d'arbres truffiers et la taille des arbres. Vous participerez en saison ( décembre à mi-février) au cavage des truffes avec nos deux cockers espiègles , Truffette et Raffinette ou à la recherche de la Truffe à la mouche. La visite se termine par une dégustation de toasts truffés accompagnés d'un verre de vin de la région . Moment de partage avec vos guides qui vous dévoileront leurs recettes pour sublimer la Truffe du Périgord.
Atelier CRUsine Laits végétaux maison
Atelier de 13h30 à 15h30 : Vous allez découvrir une cuisine saine, pleine de vitalité afin de booster vos défenses immunitaires. La crusine sera sans gluten, sans produits laitiers, sans protéines animales et sans cuisson. Vous découvrirez des techniques culinaires et vous cuisinerez avec moi plusieurs recettes sur les laits végétaux à faire soi-même, des laits avec du goût, sans additif ou épaississant comme dans le commerce, avec un mrix beaucoup plis économique ! Puis vous dégusterez ce que vous aurez préparé ! Au programme : - tout savoir sur les laits végétaux - smoothies - crumble Vos papilles vont pétiller de bonheur et vous serez bluffés par la ressemblance visuelle de la cuisine traditionnelle ! Vous repartirez avec vos recettes !! A très vite ! Annabelle CRUSIcoach
NO DIET CLUB - Let's get thick in Bordeaux !
All food is included :) Hygienic measures : group of 10 people maximum. Hydroalcoholic gel before and after each tasting ! Food is life but safety first After Paris and Nice, we really had to start a food tour in Bordeaux ! The best city for food (and wine) lovers in our country. We walked every single street of center Bordeaux with our local guides to offer you a fine selection of what we do best in this beautiful region of south west. Local specialities of course but not only ! Sexy platter of charcuterie and cheese, best cannelés in town and we had to try them all to make a choice (our job is so hard haha), fresh oyster, our best burger, amazing foccacia and some sweet surprises too ! Gourmet street food is life. (Tastings may vary with seasonal products - quality & quantity) (VEGETARIANS ARE WELCOME) ▶ What this tour is about ✔ - Many tastings to share - Calories - A nice walk in Bordeaux - What locals eat - Lots of fun - Funny/bad jokes - Pictures and souvenirs - Smiles - A list of serious recommendations in Bordeaux - New friends from all around the world
Découverte du monde des abeilles
Remarque d'introduction: Vous pouvez me proposer d'autres dates, si elles ne vous conviennent pas. Si je suis disponible, je vous répondrais favorablement. Visite possible entre mars et novembre. - Au début, je vous expliquerai le monde des abeilles. - Puis nous irons au rucher en tenue d'apiculteurs pour découvrir les abeilles. - nous observerons les abeilles de très près, devant leur maison et à travers des vitres d'observation. Si la météo le permet, nous pourrons ouvrir une ruche si vous êtes curieux... - A la fin, nous aborderons la récole du miel, et une dégustation et vente de miel vous sera proposée. Expérience unique inoubliable, pour les enfants et les plus grands! Si vous avez des enfants, avant toute réservation, merci de m'envoyer un message pour échanger avec vous par rapport à l'âge des enfants et la possibilité d'avoir des tenues pour chacun d'entre eux. L'expérience peut être annulée ou reprogrammée à cause de la météo (pluie, orages ou canicule). Un point météo sera fait avec le groupe jour J-1. Remboursement intégral de l'activité si annulée. Aucune crainte à avoir par rapport aux piqûres d'abeille. Les tenues proposées sont intégrales et efficaces. De plus, nous n'allons pas forcément ouvrir une ruche mais seulement observer les abeilles devant leur maison et à travers des vitres d'observation. Visite toutefois déconseillée pour personne allergique.
Take off your clothes and be drawn
Being drawn is a unique and rich experience. naked, draped or even dressed, whatever you want! (of course, I'll give you the drawing, so you'll have an artwork of yourself) Before the session, we will discuss a little so that we can find together a pose that suits you. Classic or less conventional, etc. The pose lasts only 2 or 3 times 20 minutes. No experience is required and I will guide you to find a pose (in general, no one has a precise idea of ​​what he wants to do :) You can come alone or accompanied, it will be a pleasure to welcome you. Note that for two-person poses, it will take 20 to 30 minutes more (discount applies for 2 persons). The size of the drawing is usually 60x40cm - I draw in pencil on white paper or toned paper but other options are possible if you wish. I provide a tube for transport, I can also ship the drawing to your place if you want (shipping costs apply, depending on destination). Other things to note The most important thing to be drawn is to be comfortable with the idea. It is also important to appreciate the work of the artist who will draw you. the rest is done alone!
Rando lever de soleil & petit déjeuner au sommet de la Rhune
RANDONNEE LEVER DE SOLEIL & PETIT DEJEUNER AU SOMMET DE LA RHUNE Nous vous proposons de vivre une expérience unique, un moment hors du temps, avec un lever de soleil au sommet de " l'Everest Basque " qui, du haut de ses 905m, offre des points de vues à 360° époustouflants sur tout le Golfe de Gascogne d’un côté et la chaîne des Pyrénées de l‘autre. Guillaume vous accompagnera sur ce parcours de 11km environ pour 800 mètres de D+ La durée à titre indicatif de cette aventure est de 5h environ, mais dépend de l'allure du groupe ainsi que des arrêts. Sur un parcours agrémenté de quelques surprises, et dans ce haut lieu de pâturages, nous croiserons des Pottoks, petit chevaux symboles du Pays Basque ; parfois des Mannex “manèche”, brebis à tête noire ou rousse certainement moins connue que le fromage produit grâce à son lait généreux (l’Ossau-Iraty) ; ou peut-être les Betizu, une espèce bovine sauvage, cas unique en France... ou encore le vautour fauve Saïa qui plane sur les flancs de la Rhune. Au sommet une pause thé-café, jus de fruit, gâteau basque, jambon espagnol vous réchauffera ! Nous entamerons la redescente en franchissant la frontière franco-espagnole. Possibilité également en version TRAIL pour les plus sportifs !
Photo tour in Bordeaux - the most beautiful spots of "the Port de la Lune"
Photo tour in Bordeaux - the most beautiful spots of "the Port de la Lune" Take a stroll with me through the historic city center of Bordeaux, the southern gem of France, known as "little Paris", "the Port de la Lune", and "the sleeping beauty". I will take a photo of you in the most wonderful architectural and atmospheric locations: on the banks of the ancient Garonne River, near the world's largest reflecting pool, as well as near the port of Cailhau, the Gross Clos, the Cathedral of St. Andre and the Basilica of St. Michel. We can sit in a typical French cafe on the terrace, have a coffee or a glass of wine. We'll create memorable photo memories. At the same time, I will tell you the secrets of this city that few people know about.
Discovering a vineyard in Saint Emilion
At Château Haute-Nauve, we offer a visit from the foot of the vine to the bottle by a member of the family, Marie-Anne or Florent ( Mother and Son ) We will start by offering you a tour of the vineyard. Initially, we will explain the history of our family estate for 4 generations, the history of the name Saint Emilion, its specificities, its various varietals. We will show you one of our parcels of Cabernet Franc, planted in 1988 and then at the same time, a plot of Cabernet Franc which is much older. We will explain the differences between a young vine and an elderly vine. We will end the vineyard tour, showing you a UNIQUE device in the area. A windmill with a large bottle of wine 6 meters high. This big bottle actually hides a boiler. During the spring jellies from March to the Mi-Mai, our bourgeons can unfortunately freeze. If the vine is affected, we may lose some or all of the future harvest. We will then go to the winery, we will explain the whole production process to you ( fermentation, climbing, cleaning etc... ). The visit will end in our barrel cellar, or we will explain our entry methods to you. You will have the opportunity to taste 3 wines from the estate. Possible tours in English
Medoc’s châteaux tour by U2’s Sommelier
Discover the Médoc valley with its amazing vineyards and the men’s behind it! Along the day you will visit 3 Chateaux within the AOC (Margaux,Haut Médoc,Saint estephe , paulliac and Saint Julien ) and taste at least 8 grands vins. Other things to note Several option available for lunch from sandwich to Michelin star luncheon!
NO DIET CLUB - Unique food tour in Toulouse !
- All food is included It's been a long time since we wanted to launch the No Diet Club in Toulouse to celebrate the South West ! It's finally done and we look forward to discovering our amazing selection :) As always, we were surrounded by locals who know the city by heart to offer you the best food ! Some specialties of course but not only ! Charcuterie, cheese, the best hot dogs in town (Toulouse is the city of sausages), incredible cinnamon rolls, local macaroon, homemade sandwich and more surprises :) Vegetarians are also welcome with alternatives for each spot ⇨ Insta : @no_diet_club What we offer ✔ - Many tastings to share - A concentration of what Toulouse really eat - A walk through our favorite neighborhoods - Bad jokes - A great list of recommendations in Toulouse - New friends from around the world
Gourmet getaway with a moped
FOOD TOUR with A MOTORBIKE GUIDE Marc offers his expertise in the land to discover SARLAT's local farmers market in a unique way with a motorbike. Marc will guide you along the way.
Discover Bordeaux vineyard : special wine tasting with two cellar men brothers
Come and discover the specificities and unique characteristics of Bordeaux wines through our selection of 3 typical wines of the left bank of Garonne river, right bank and the exceptional terroirs of Bordeaux. During this experience, your hosts, Pierre and Geoffroy, cellar men, but also brothers, will introduce you to the main characteristics of Bordeaux vineyard in a fun and accessible way. We will tell you the history of the vineyard since the arrival of the Romans until today. We introduce you to the art of tasting with simple words and explanations. We aim at showing how accessible wine tasting can be when you get told good tips. During this tasting you can also eat our selection of cheese and ham from beautiful Basque country. The history of Bordeaux wine and the art of tasting will have no more secret to you.
Bordeaux' Best Boulangeries & History Tour
Join me as we eat our way across Bordeaux's best boulangeries (bakeries), all of which are recipients of French culinary awards. Each bakery is in a different, vibrant neighbourhood of Bordeaux and along the way I'll share with you its history and my own personal experiences of the neighbourhood. Come hungry!!! @bordeauxbestboulangeries - Insta AS OF OCTOBER 2022 ALL PASTRIES AND A DRINK ARE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE
Discover wine in Saint Emilion
Our journey will start in the inner center of Bordeaux, on the "Allées de Tourny", where we will meet. Then we will head towards Saint Emilion, the famous and scenic village surrounded by vineyards. We will meet the owners of a "grand cru", who will show us their château, vineyards, cellar and will share the history of the family over the past centuries. Guided by the owners and advised by their expertise, you will then start the wine tasting including different vintages. Finally, you will have the opportunity to contemplate several world class chateaux of the Bordeaux region.